Sunday, November 9, 2008

Watching Him Sleep

I spent a chunk of this morning watching Brennen sleep.
I know, I know, creepy as all get out.
But it's so beautiful because...argh! Because he reminds me of the baby. I guess anyone would, while they're sleeping. Because they're not focussing on being somthing, they're just existing. They're just....being.
Arms flung out. Hands twitching. A toss and a turn, legs kicking and moving around.
It's so insane to sit on this chair and watch Brennen sleep knowing that inside me his son does the same thing.
It's beautiful.
It's unity.
And it's also great because I look at him and *know* that there is no man on earth who would do more for me than this man. No man who would fight harder, work longer or break-in-two and encompass the world for me, like him. And that's pretty amazing to think about. And to think that that now includes another little being, also.
So this morning I sit in a skirt, a tank, cross-legged on a chair, scrubbed clean out of the shower with a blue towel-turban on my head and just watch him sleep.

And I think...this is the best breakfast I've ever had.
Fo' shizz.

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