Monday, February 9, 2009

I Am A Tall Drink Of Water

It's official!
I've been told.

I laid on the table at my prenatal this morning and the nurse looked at me and shook her head.
She said in a funny voice 'see....I don't know....when you lay down like this....'
(all the while measuring my belly)
She said 'you are a TALL drink of water. So even though you don't look very big, he's in there! You measure fine from the pubic bone to the fundus, but you're so long waisted that you don't look very big. Most people are shorter so they are much bigger to hold the baby, but you're just a tall drink of water.'

I think I grinned a lot.
I've never been called a beverage before.
I kinda wish she'd said 'you are a TALL strawberry milk' though.
Nom nom NOM.


Hope said...

Tee hee hee

I love that she said, "But he's in there!" Smart-arsed me would have quipped, "Well thank heavens, otherwise I've had some KILLER gas going on for the last several months!"

Lisa said...

You're in AL... 'nough said... ;)