Monday, July 28, 2008

Telling Family And Friends

Has been the BEST part so far.
I think.
Hands down.
For sure.

I didn't know so many of my people were screamers!

My dad was grinning through his voice.
My mother-in-law squealed. And shook. And squealed again.
My step-father-in-law didn't know what to say.
My mum grinned from ear-to-ear and claimed she was going to cry. Then she started picking out granny names.
And boys grandmother *did* cry and then she started praising the lord jesus.

My girlfriends SCREAMED and jumped and hugged lots. And screamed again lots. And then hugged again.
Boys friends hugged and grinned like monkeys.

So much fun in telling!

1 comment:

Hope said...

My mom selected "GiGi" as her grandmother name *nods*

It's so cute to hear Gavin call out "Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiii!" when he bumps his noggin or she disappears to the potty and he can't find her! hehehehe