Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Mothers Know Best

When my mum was over she bought me two pair of sneakers. She said I would definitely need them. One for running shoes the other for the pregnancy.
Despite the fact I LOATHE sneakers on anyone outside of the park or the gym (seriously! sneakers only go with workout clothes, people!) I have broken down and now wear them daily. They are saving my body from crazy aches and pains. Luckily my jeans hit the pavement once the hem is down, so nobody has to know.

Tee hee hee.

Rock on, comfort!

1 comment:

Hope said...

I wear my sneakers with jeans!

'course, you can really only see the very tippy-toes of them, because my jeans are always scraping the ground, but still. They're there!

And I look darn cute in them, so nyah! I bet you look darn cute in yours, too =)