Saturday, September 13, 2008

No Real Weight

No real weight gained, still.
I stopped working out ages ago (about to start again today) and I've been eating as well as I can so...

So I'm beginning to think I may give birth to Thumbelina.

No, seriously.

Dear Diary 12/9/08

Irrational pregnancy fears begin...


Hope said...

Don't fret too much. Check out this site:

It gives you a breakdown on weight gain, how much is to be expected and how you'll gain it.

Vegetarian mommies often have a harder time gaining the weight, because they're using up their carbohydrates storage for energy, since their protein intake tends to be a lot lower.

Perhaps grab some MetRx protein powder, and make shakes with fruit juice instead of water or milk. MetRx is really thick and gritty and hard to drink when made with water or milk, but it's absolute nectar when made with fruit juice.

Seriously, I hate most protein shake stuff, and I could drink those like milkshakes.

Hope said...

Oh! And an excerpt from that link:

"Does being underweight pose any risks to me or my baby?

Due to morning sickness, many women have trouble gaining weight in the first trimester and worry about what effects this has on their baby's development. Some women lose a little weight in the beginning of their pregnancy. Fortunately, at this time the baby does not need as many calories and nutrients as later in pregnancy. "

See? You're doing just fine.

Lyvvie said...

My first pregnancy I was about the same until six months along. Then looked slightly pregnant until eight months. The last six weeks - I woke every morning expecting the alien to explode out my navel. I got so big so fast it was scary.

So long as your fundus is progressing up the abdomen the baby is fine.

Then again don't take everything those midwives have to say about the size of your baby to heart. they kept telling me in the late stages I was going to have big babies. 10lb-ers. I got 7lb babies twice. Most of the belly size was fluid. My kids liked to swim.

There's plenty time to put on the standard 22lbs. (I gained forty with both, I figure half baby, half water)