Friday, March 27, 2009

What Do You Think They Feel?

As a pregnant mother, what do you think your unborn baby feels when you cry?
I am a very blessed woman and I have a very blessed life and I don't cry very much.
But I'm really sad over the belly cast, I think, and so tonight I'm crying a little.
It's the one thing I said I wanted, before I was pregnant.
The thing I mentioned while we were trying.
And the one thing I've really wanted/mentioned over the past nine months.
And now it's too late.

I'm also really sad about my sister's wedding and not being able to make it, or to be there for my family.

I wonder if Parker is sad, too.
I would hate for him to feel this way.
I'm really worried he's basked in sadness right now, and kids just don't need to feel that.

Did any other mothers wonder that?
Did any of you cry over anything while pregnant?


Unknown said...

I cried lots over silly things, magazine stories, cute pictures all that.

I am very sad about your belly cast too :(

Unknown said...

YOu still have time though, go get some plaster of paris and lie in the bath!

K said...

I used to cry because I got too angry at other people. I cried because I couldn't sleep at night, which made it harder to sleep. I cried just because I was so happy. And when he's born, you might cry too. I cried when my Vance was born and they whisked him away with my hubby to check him all out, because all of a sudden I was alone and I hadn't been so alone in 9 long months and I wanted someone to share my joy with...and I am almost crying now. Blargh! *hugs*

I wanted to do a belly cast and/or baby belly photos as well, but I ran out of time too---even though I never thought that would happen. I am making up for it by taking an insane number of photos of him now.....I don't want to forget ANYTHING...

Sarah said...

I love you guys.
So *so* much.