Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Out Of Reach

It is very bizarre to me today, as I design my new studio, to be putting things out of 'toddlers reach'.

I know that's a few years off, and things will change in the house a million times over between then and now, but it's still at the forefront of my mind as I rearrange things.


Unknown said...

A few years off? Nope. Bubs will be mobile by about 8 or 9 months, and likely to be pulling himself up on furniture by 9-12 months.

Put stuff out of reach and baby proof the house NOW! We did and it was the best thing we did, cos our kids could have free run of the house and garden and I could leave them too it to explore.

Hope said...

And be forewarned...he could be an early bloomer. My little brother was walking at 8 months. He toddled on video-camera, to the shrieking joy of my mother. We have pictures of him careening down a waterslide and climbing the steps back to the top on his first birthday.

Best bet is to keep shiny, baby-friendly things on lower shelves and the floor, so he may not be as interested in the things he shouldn't have. And buy those outlet-plug thingies. Those little suckers are invaluable.

Unknown said...

By the way, the best way to baby-proof is to crawl around your house on your hands and knees. Anything at eye-level will be in reach for Bubs!

I made hubby do that with me and it was hilarious as well as informative :)